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Art Talk: Jagoda on sustainable art style

Art Talk: Jagoda on sustainable art style


1. What is your main concept of art?

J: I feel like my main concept of art is surrounded by emotions and feelings. I see art as the ability for me to heal people as well as a way to keep understanding myself better. Art is certainly something I will work on in the future too.



2. How did you start your art practices?

J: When I was a child I just started to draw a lot and, in general, I really liked to be creative. Later I have taken some art group lessons. When it was time to decide on the university I have chosen the art direction and after that, I have never stopped working in this area.



3. What inspires you the most?

J: I would say I get inspired by the concept of working with emotions and feelings. In addition, I think a lot comes from colors, textures, forms that I can feel, and that surround me in nature. Essentially, I experience all of this in-depth when working on my creations. To be honest, it is simply not me thinking about it too much, but rather just feeling it and getting inspired by the actual painting process.



4. What are the mediums and materials you currently use? And why?

J: I am using a lot of acrylic paints and inks. However, recently I have also started working with plastic by using my own plastic canvases.  Nevertheless, I still sometimes utilize the original canvas and some paper for sketching.



mixed media plastic still searching poland   mixed media plastic still searching poland

Curator's Choice: Still Searching by Jagoda 



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5. How did you develop your own style?

J: I feel like it is mostly about me changing as a person and developing my own character. It mainly changed when I went into the university because it helped me concentrate on my arts. Before it was something to do for a couple of hours but now it is something I personally do daily and I feel like it made me focus on myself more and developed some sort of attraction to specific forms, colors, textures



6. Would you say that your art style is persistent or it changes?

J: Hmm, I feel like it is changing. It is mostly because I am changing and my vision of art and the world is changing too. Thus, I cannot say that my style is persistent because if it was then it means I never grow and this is something against my beliefs. I aspire to grow all the time and this evolving process is something I constantly work on.



7. What medium or materials will you explore in the future? Why?

J: For sure. Frankly, I am not really happy with using acrylic paints because their packaging is not fully sustainable since it is still plastic. However, I believe that by taking small steps we can change the future. Without a doubt, I will always be trying to acquire materials that are more environmentally conscious.



8. What is the most challenging time for you as an artist?

J: Sometimes I need to take a break: stop for a minute to reflect. I think it is okay to do this as you do not constantly need to work on something in order to feel good.  I always try to listen to myself and not push the creative process too much.



9. How do you develop a theme of a series? From life? From a social moment? 

J: It is mostly about focusing on the state I am in at that specific moment. I experience each case in my life differently so a theme usually comes from what I am going through during that time: it can be, for example, inspiration coming from nature or spring awakening.



10. How do you understand the art world?

J: I feel like the whole concept of art in the world is focused on people being different and working on their personal projects. Art gives everyone a possibility to have and express their own opinions that are unique and diverse from what others are saying.



11. What would be your suggestions to young artists?

J: Even though I am a young artist myself my biggest suggestion would be to do something that makes you happy and just wait and see what will grow from that



 mixed media plastic acryl    mixed media plastic acryl

Curator's Choice: Being with myself by Jagoda 



12. What does art mean in your life?

J: I feel like it means a lot about the feeling process and expressing and understanding myself, and just kept talking with myself through art; I think it is the most important part of me since I am always working on myself, thus I am working on art too



13. What is the power of art to people?

J: Yes, definitely. Art’s power lies in change people’s opinions on a whole other level. The power of art changed through history so I feel like the power of art now is defined differently from the history and art that was before even we could imagine it being a power. Although the opinion and perspective of people are changing all the time I still think even in the far future art will still be an important part of us



14. What got you interested in working with sustainable art?

J: Some years ago I started thinking about the environment and what are the current problems with it. That prompted me to see what I can do to change my lifestyle towards a more eco-friendlier one. Consequently, I started to eat differently and to structure my entire life around what I believe is the most important: strong empowerment of nature and the whole concept surrounding it. I am trying to think a lot about what I am buying and these considerations are also reflected in the materials I use in my art.



Check out our sustainable art collection here. 



15. What kind of message do you want to give out to the world when using sustainable techniques?

J: The message I am trying to transmit is that we need to consider the consequences of our actions on the environment and then try to think about what we can do to make them better. I believe it is important to instead of thinking only about our human needs to start considering what can be both good and beneficial for all of us and for the future at the same time.



If you want to see more work from Jagoda, you can visit her page here. You can discover more of our artists here and their work. And if you want to talk more in detail about purchasing Jagoda's art or other sustainable art, we have, you can always make an appointment with us. 



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