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Reasons Why Art Collab's Are Crucial For The Growth of Your Business

Reasons Why Art Collab's Are Crucial For The Growth of Your Business



The power of visual art lies in the hand of the holders and those using it wisely can turn it into a powerful tool to promote themselves. Today’s business world witnesses the new collaboration between art and business.  We have seen the notable successful business collaborations between Absolut Vodka and Andy Warhol Foundation, in which the power of Andy Warhol’s artistic influence was used to promote both Absolut Vodka and the Andy Warhol Foundation, making it a win-win collaboration. We have also seen the collaboration between the famous fashion company, UNIQLO, and the Museum of Modern Art to make modern-art fashion products with their purpose to strengthen the correlation between art and fashion. And many more proven cases that show us the opportunity of art is for the taking.



Artwork from top artists from Eastern Europe, fine art, modern art, art shop, art collaboration

Absolut Vodka - Andy Warhol Edition



In the world of B2B, partners perceive each other in a different way than how businesses perceive consumers in a B2C model. However, the journal Social Neuroscience published an article “Are corporations people too?” in 2014, which indicates that the relationship in B2B culture is not so much different than that of B2C. In other words, partners in B2B are not cold, inhuman corporations but rather a group of people driven by emotions and values.

That being said, the use of art in brand building is powerful in that it can provide a humanized picture for your partners. By doing so, partners can see businesses in an approachable and relatable manner, positively reinforcing their relationship with each other. Essentially, art can personalize a brand and approach the customers with friendliness and intimacy than the usual mechanical approach of treating partners as an alliance

The powerful benefits of art in brand awareness and brand promotion don’t lie only in the use of art as a physical marketing tool. It spreads further in the financial investment of companies in art programs, museums, and many artistic entities. By investing in philanthropic activities, the company can raise a positive, ethical, responsible, and sustainable brand image of both themselves and the art community and the general community. This ultimately creates a unique competitive advantage.


How to use art in a brand

There are many ways that you can harness art to positive benefits for your company.



Product launch

This enlisting the help of an artist to help package and advertise your product is a strong way to introduce art into the mix. The adaptability and artistic versatility of artists and the proven feature of your products can make your products stand unique among others. For example, Volvo invited Jean - Claude Van Damme to demonstrate the power of their product through the one-of-a-kind leg spread of the Belgian actors. 



Artwork from top artists from Eastern Europe, fine art, modern art, art shop

Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme 



Another safe way to use art is through limited edition. Just like the case of Absolut Vodka, you can test the reaction of a brand image with low risk and minor changes, because limited-edition products are produced on a scale much smaller than a normal one, which provides the producer with infinite opportunity to try out new ideas.



Art Prize

This is a way with obvious benefits for both artist and company. By naming the work of art as the prize during the promotion strategy, it can boost the image and the revenue of both the company and the artists.



Corporate social responsibility

This is a long-term marketing strategy that can reap long-term benefits for the company in both terms of the brand and internal company, provided that you are willing to go an extra mile. This can range from investment in an art program, art museums, and art events to the integration of art in art in the company and the opening of an art foundation, all of which involves the engagement of the company in the art community specifically.  



Art as gifts to your clients

Using art as a gift to your clients is one of the most effective ways to fortify the relationship of your clients, as gifted artworks will create a long-lasting impression in terms of monetary investment, artistic value, and hidden meaning.



Take our gifting quiz that helps you to find the best gift for your clients. 



Art hanging in the office/hallways/reception

The experience of your clients when doing business in your head office can be enhanced by placing art in the spot of your office, that you and your business partners will walk through or have a meeting and discuss. The art you choose to hang can establish a positive brand image towards your partners.



Take our interior quiz to find out what is the best artwork and style that fits your office the most. 


For reference and more information:



Want to decorate your office with some new arts, check out our full collection. If you have further questions about our art services, you can always book an appointment with us. 



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