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The 21st Century Renaissance Man: The Art-preneur

The 21st Century Renaissance Man: The Art-preneur


Entrepreneur is a vague profession that many people have heard of but don’t seem to really understand. Well, the entrepreneur is basically the 21st century’s version of the renaissance (wo)man: an independent person with a wide skillset who has a knack for creating new businesses.


This profession continues to grow in popularity today and a particular career it has rooted itself in is the Art market creating a hybrid profession  – the Artpreneur. Whilst many people respect the individual entrepreneur for their ‘hustle’ so to say, the artist continues to be overlooked even though they can in fact be considered entrepreneurs. So, what exactly is the Artpreneur?



What is an Artpreneur?


The Artpreneur is not necessarily a new profession, rather the term itself is. The Artpreneur is ultimately a combination of the artist and entrepreneur. So that means this is an artist who has a product to sell and goes out into the marketplace to sell that unique product – that being their Art. In order for any artist to find success in their career, they must develop basic business skills and become a chameleon.


This way they can adapt to the professional environments they will inevitably find themselves in because who can represent the artist better than they can themselves? This is an impressive peak every artist faces though not many people seem to be aware of as many show their respect for the entrepreneur and barely acknowledge the artist.



Renaissance, Renaissance art, fine art, modern art, art shop, interior design, interior advice

Renaissance, Renaissance art, fine art, modern art, art shop, interior design, interior advice

Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci

Complex Entity by Simona Stanciu



Are artists entrepreneurs?


Art is the visual, personal, and sonic expression of the human condition and it is one of the most natural practices there is. However, it also requires an immense amount of practice, time, and dedication especially for those who pursue it as a career. Since the general public only ever gets to view, admire, and critique the finished product they seem to view it as simple or, dare I say, easy. No one really understands the amount of work that happens behind the scenes. No one ever really registers how immense of a mission it is to invent a product the world has never seen and market that creation. To reach people and touch people with your art, to have your individual work encourage people to look within themselves and explore their own individuality is truly something.

For this reason, an artist is a person who commands respect. Whilst every entrepreneur cannot be considered an artist, all artists are in fact entrepreneurs. The artpreneur is in fact the modern renaissance (wo)man.



If you want to know, even more, check our more detailed guide on how to buy art for yourself and for your office. We are always here to help you to find the right artwork, you can book an appointment with us, and remember, enjoy yourself while in the process!



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