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Will Artificial Itelligence Replace Artists? The rise of AI and the Future of Art

Will Artificial Itelligence Replace Artists? The rise of AI and the Future of Art


From Sci-Fi to Reality: Impact of AI on the Art World

The theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in daily life used to be only in science fiction. We know it through many utopian and dystopian novels and films, such as those from Aldous Huxley, Stanislaw Lem, or Stanley Kubrick. But the line has blurred as the integration of AI in what used to be done by human becomes prominent. A new height has been reached as what was thought to be done entirely by the human hand can be now replicated by a machine.  


In 2018, the Portrait of Edmond Belamy was sold for $432,500 at Christie’s in New York. That was the first work of art made entirely by the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system Generative Adversarial Network.  Since the initial introduction of AI in art, a surge of AI and Machine Learning has infiltrated the art world until now, prompting sparkling discussions about whether the use of AI in art is deemed legitimate. 



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Source: Christie's


In this blog post, we would like to discuss both sides of argument of AI in Art, and our point of view on how it will influence the world of art.


The potentials for AI in art

Proponents of AI in art say that the potential of AI in art is endless and the current technology hasn’t been at its full potential to be realized. Mario Kingemann, a proponent of AI Art with his love of technology, has boldly stated that human is not original and only make the work derived from other men’s creation while AI can create from scratch. To demonstrate the ability of AI to simulate the machine’s creative capability, his artwork made by AI, Memories of Passerby I, which was auctioned in March 2019, came from a computer and two screens that displayed an endless stream of surreal male and female faces.

Artwork from top artists from Eastern Europe, fine art, modern art, art shop

Source: Sotheby's

The threatens of AI in art

Although AI in art can create intricate, convoluted artwork that emulates or even add up finer details compared to a human, they are, nonetheless, mechanical and do not reflect the human endeavor of creativity.
Sean Kelly, a philosophy professor at Harvard University, and Volland, author of the 2018 book The Creative Power of Machines, rejected the notion that AI cannot and will not surpass the human endeavor by arguing that originality and rejection of social norm in search of the greater things are the defining traits that allow human to surpass their limit and become genius and mastermind of their own, while AI is only technologically engineered by a human, and will only make the work from the program made by a human, and therefore will not surpass human creativity and will be bound to the program of its creators.

Gabriel, the author of the 2018 book The Meaning of Thought,  called it a mistake to even consider AI in art an art, as he explained the work of art is the results of autonomous individuals alone, and art is radically unique in its “no-sense” and non-repeatable way.


Our conclusion

In Victory Art, we encourage artists to be creative in many ways, regardless of whether it is hand-made or artificial. Even though AI in art is on the rise, we believe such a technological revolution will even encourage artists with traditional preferences to evolve in order to compete with AI art, prompting a vibrant and never-ending competition that promotes and heightened the standard of beauty.


For references and more information:



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