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Victory Art's Collaboration For Sustainability In Art

Victory Art's Collaboration For Sustainability In Art

Victory Art, in collaboration with BNP Paribas and Nuveen Green Capital, has organized a captivating art exhibition in Amsterdam, featuring the exceptional works of artist Anca Constantinescu. 

Victory Art's Victorious History

Victory Art's Victorious History

This Blog dives into the backstory of Victory Art and how it came about. It also talks about its mission and how Victory art has worked and continues to work towards it. 
What happened to the art market in 2021

What happened to the art market in 2021

Everyone in all areas of life had a difficult year in 2021. But despite all of the problems, the Art Industry has several big successes. Here are a few significant figures to illustrate the performance of the Art Markets in 2021.

New Art Exhibition in Poland

New Art Exhibition in Poland

Victory Art is bringing two of our favourite artists to an exhibition in Pruszków, Poland during October. This blog will guide you through what you need to know about the artists, Dominika Fedko-Wójs and Joanna Kniaz-Hawrot, as well as the location of the exhibition.
Top 6 artists you need to buy right now

Top 6 artists you need to buy right now

We’re back and we brought gifts! As our annual birthday discount is coming up, we wanted to help inspire you with a few artworks of our talented artists. You can read more about our picks here!
Birthday list from our founder

Birthday list from our founder

This year again we offer our special discount to the Victory Art family. Our founder expresses her learnings and gratitude towards the successful year Victory Art had. Read more about our founder's vision for the future here!
Art Rotterdam Week

Art Rotterdam Week

The 21st edition of Art Rotterdam Week is upon us this February and we are here for it!
6 Soviet Nonconformist Artists You Should Know About

6 Soviet Nonconformist Artists You Should Know About

Throughout the historical course of the Soviet Union, Slavic artists in the former Soviet Union went through hard trials to get recognized or to tell the tale of their life and their experience in the Soviet Union. Here are the most notable Soviet Nonconformist Artists.

The 10 Most Notable Celebrities In The Art Collecting World

The 10 Most Notable Celebrities In The Art Collecting World

Dive into the world of celebrity-owned art. Visual art is not just for creative individuals, but also for businessmen who are working in various industries. Below are a number of business collectors who have an interest and invest in art:

The Most Memorable Moments In The Art World In 2020

The Most Memorable Moments In The Art World In 2020

Here is our compilation of what has happened in the Art world in 2020.