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The Top 8 Interior Trends You Need To Know About In 2020

The Top 8 Interior Trends You Need To Know About In 2020

Get ready for the upcoming 2020 top trends in interior design.
Unforgettable Night of Maják

Unforgettable Night of Maják

Read about the opening evening of the exceptional exhibition TOUCH: deaf-blind artists of Maják.
We Have Been Published in The Slovak Forbes!

We Have Been Published in The Slovak Forbes!

Read more about how Victory Art started. This article is a translation from Slovak Forbes. Read the original article here.
Viktoria's Birthday Offer

Viktoria's Birthday Offer

Dear friends, supporters and all creators, I am writing you another letter almost a year after the first one. This time, on my birthday.

Embrace The Magic of Gold That is 24K Feelings

Embrace The Magic of Gold That is 24K Feelings

On the 20th of June, the team at Victory Art organized their biggest exhibition ever–World Trade Center x Victory Art introducing Andrea Ehret: 24K Feelings. The exhibition displayed a new collection of Andrea’s art pieces which involve her work with golden powder and represent a golden embrace that is the 24K Feelings. 
24K Feelings Art Exhibition

24K Feelings Art Exhibition

“In paintings, there is this piece of humanity. It is passionate. There are fears and emotions which is what people feel. And it is real which is why they respond to it," mentions Andrea. 
Victory Art News: Kicking off 2019 with Mima Chovancova

Victory Art News: Kicking off 2019 with Mima Chovancova

Victory Art started the year of 2019 on a high note by collaborating with RAW Streetphoto Gallery to host our first ever exhibition ever: Introducing Mima Chovancová.

A Note From our Founder: Be Brave. Be Unique.

A Note From our Founder: Be Brave. Be Unique.

Viktória Pikovská here, Founder of Victory Art. I wanted to drop a note to thank each and every one of you for all of your support in Victory Art and my journey as an entrepreneur.
A Closer Look at Our Live Painting Event

A Closer Look at Our Live Painting Event

Victory Art and some of our artists were at Venture Café Rotterdam in CIC Rotterdam talking about how we intended to revolutionalize the art market.
Meeting at The Slovak Embassy in The Netherlands

Meeting at The Slovak Embassy in The Netherlands

One of the most memorable moments of our journey so far has to be our visit to the Slovak Embassy.